Wealth Accumulation (Investments & Trading)Calculating ASB Dividends & Bonus nadliqueDecember 31, 2007 Oh my goodness, the dividend rate and bonus rate for your ASB investment is so-and-so percent! That’s great!…
Theory of WealthJourney Towards Financial Freedom: Food for Thought nadliqueDecember 26, 2007 Think about this for a second. Whenever we talk about investing our money, there’ll always be excuses. There’ll…
Personal FinanceHaving an Emergency Fund nadliqueDecember 26, 2007 Another important component of a ‘complete’ financial plan is having a contingency plan. An important element of that…
Wealth Accumulation (Investments & Trading)Property Investing: Battle of Conscience nadliqueDecember 24, 2007 Alright, let me give you a situation: Imagine that you own a house. The house is being rented…
Theory of WealthRisk Tolerance Level: Part 2 nadliqueDecember 22, 2007 This is a continuation of my previous article on risk tolerance level. This time, we will be having…
Wealth Distribution (Wills & Estate Planning)Estate Planning: Should I draw up a Will? nadliqueDecember 19, 2007 Believe it or not, in the journey of financial freedom a.k.a wealth creation, preparing your will is one…
Wealth Accumulation (Investments & Trading)ASB Rates for Previous Years nadliqueDecember 19, 2007 As requested by Shirley, here are the ASB Dividend rates and the bonus rates for previous years. Year…
Wealth Accumulation (Investments & Trading)Latest ASB Dividend Rate nadliqueDecember 18, 2007 Just heard in the radio. The latest dividend rate for ASB for the end of financial year 31…
Wealth Accumulation (Investments & Trading)Back to Basics: Asset, Liability, Equity nadliqueDecember 16, 2007 Alright, let’s talk about the concepts of Asset, Liability, Equity. We start off with this accounting formula: Asset…
My JourneyMy Story: Lim Goh Tong nadliqueDecember 15, 2007 I just finished reading another book today entitled ‘My Story’. It was written by non other than our…