My JourneyANDA Coin, Note & Stamp Show 2008: Banknotes Acquisitions (Malaya, Straits Settlements) nadliqueMay 26, 2008 Previous posts are on stamps and coins. This one is about banknotes. All banknotes acquired were of the…
My JourneyANDA Coin, Note & Stamp Show 2008: Coins Acquisitions (Malaya, State of North Borneo) nadliqueMay 26, 2008 This entry will be dedicated to coins. I didn’t get as many coins as I would like. I…
My JourneyANDA Coin, Note & Stamp Show 2008: Postage Stamps Acquisitions (Penny Black, Sarawak, and Malaya Straits Settlement) nadliqueMay 26, 2008 As promised, here are some of the items I purchased from the ANDA Coin, Note & Stamp Show.…
My Journey200th Post! ANDA Coin, Note & Stamp Show 2008 nadliqueMay 26, 2008 Guess what folks? It’s my 200th post! Yippee! To celebrate my 200th post, in this entry, I’ll be…
Wealth Accumulation (Investments & Trading)Dr. Van K Tharp Series: How to Protect Yourself in a Super Bear Market nadliqueMay 25, 2008 Below is another article written by Dr. Van K Tharp, reprinted with permission. He is a well known…
Blogging & InternetAsus Eee PC: How to change to Advanced Mode (Full Desktop Mode) nadliqueMay 21, 2008 This entry is about my Asus Eee PC. It’s the instructions on how to switch from the EASY…
My JourneyThomas and Friends Tomy Trains Collection nadliqueMay 20, 2008 One thing about me is that I like to collect things. I’m not a hoarder though. Hehe. Some…
Wealth Accumulation (Investments & Trading)Collecting Coins and Banknotes for Investment Purposes? nadliqueMay 19, 2008 It has been a while since I last wrote a post. Minus the Van Tharp article series, which…
Wealth Accumulation (Investments & Trading)Dr. Van K Tharp Series: Trader Self-Evaluation nadliqueMay 18, 2008 Below is another article written by Dr. Van K Tharp, reprinted with permission. He is a well known…
Blogging & InternetOlympic Torch Invitation Virus Hoax – Burning Hard Disc Hoax nadliqueMay 13, 2008 I’ve just received an e-mail prompting me to ignore any e-mail messages that arrives with attachments called “Invitation”…