Title: Beyond band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters
Author: Major Dick Winters with Colonel Cole C. Kingseed
ISBN: 978-0-425-21375-9
Number of pages: approximately 310 pages
For those who still remember about the HBO Miniseries Band of Brothers that aired a number of years ago (I think I was 15 when it aired on Astro Malaysia), this book is the autobiography of Easy Company’s Company Commander, Major Richard D. Winters.
This book pretty much gives you the story from Major Dick Winters’s perspective. Some say, Larry Alexander’s “Biggest Brother: The Life Of Major Dick Winters, The Man Who Led The Band of Brothers” was a better book, but since I’ve not picked up a copy of that one yet, I can’t give my final answer.
Some of what Major Dick Winters shares with his readers include how he started his Army career, his jump on D-Day, Operation Market Garden, the capture of Eagle’s Nest, the discovery of the concentration camp, and what did he do after the war.
A real page turner indeed.
I might be a little biased due to my being highly intrigued with Easy Company since Stephen Ambrose’s Band of Brothers and due to respect of Major Dick Winters, I have to give this book 9.5 out of 10 stars (well, that’s pretty much 10 out of 10 stars).
If you’re into Military genre, then yeah, get the book.
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