Personal FinanceTabung Haji account as a place to store my emergency funds nadliqueApril 29, 2009 I wrote a post before about the importance of having an emergency fund. I’m following through with my…
Theory of WealthWhen the economic crisis bites, ego still prevails nadliqueApril 27, 2009 Talking about the economic crisis, here’s a true story that I want to share with you. Junior (Not…
My JourneyUniversity Life (Australia) – 5 Reasons Why You Need a Car When You’re Studying Overseas nadliqueApril 25, 2009 This post is meant to be for fun only. No elements of seriousness were intended. Don’t get all…
Wealth Accumulation (Investments & Trading)Trade to Survive, Not to be Profitable nadliqueApril 23, 2009 Talking about trading, there’s one thing that I learned from a very good trader in Australia. “You trade…
My JourneyDude, what’s the population of China? nadliqueApril 22, 2009 Today, something funny happened in my Statistics class. The lecturer was talking about population, samples, and etc. and…
Wealth Accumulation (Investments & Trading)Where do I stand now? Financially speaking of course. nadliqueApril 21, 2009 I’ve been blogging about financial freedom for nearly 2 years now. I’ve started my journey towards financial freedom…
Wealth Accumulation (Investments & Trading)Additional Units for Amanah Saham Malaysia (ASM) and Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 (ASW 2020) in 2009 nadliqueApril 21, 2009 Additional units have been announced for two PNB-managed funds. There’ll be an additional 2.22 billion units for Amanah…
Wealth Creation (Career & Business)Guy Kawasaki Video Presentation (The Art of Start) nadliqueApril 20, 2009 Another good video recommended by Boo. For all entrepreneurs out there, enjoy.
My JourneySo, you wanna be a pilot? (Air Asia’s Cadet Pilot Recruitment Campaign) nadliqueApril 20, 2009 Air Asia has been running a campaign since 1st April 2009 in the effort to recruit new cadet…
My JourneyThe New Nikon D5000 (As good as the more expensive Nikon D90?) nadliqueApril 20, 2009 The camera giant, Nikon, has introduced another product in its line-up. It’s called the Nikon D5000. Arguably matching…