Sometimes, I wonder how many people actually pay attention to my blog and who are these people.
It also scares me to death that there are a lot of professionals and intellectual people out there who may have stumbled upon this blog π
Entah apa dia orang fikir agaknya.
Apparently, after my blog came out in The Malay Mail (link), my dad also reads my blog now. Adoi.. sekarang kena banyak censorship la π
Pa, if you are reading this, may I redirect you to this entry here. << tekan sini π
One thing for sure is that I try my best to voice out my ideas and thoughts. Kalau korang tak suka, peduli apa. Bukannya korang kenal aku pun π
Anyway, just out of curiosity, do write in the comments section about who you are and where you come from.
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