Any golfers out there?
I started playing golf since I was in Form 3 (15 years old). Or was it earlier? Can’t actually remember.
The first few years was pretty frustrating until I met this one amazing golf instructor. Too bad I lost contact with him already.
Anyway, when I went to college in Nilai, I trained under a new instructor who apparently trained in California and bla bla bla. Well, I screwed up my swing and got hold of some really bad habits. I couldn’t hit right for 1 year plus.
After college, went back home and went to train under my old instructor again. Thank goodness I got better!
Being in Australia, I did manage to play a lot in the beginning but life took hold and golf is now in the back burner. I’m starting to play again slowly and I’m really hoping that I can improve my swings pretty soon.
The major problem that I’ve always had when I play on the course is pscyhology-related. I can swing amazingly on the driving range but when it comes to playing when it matters, I shank, I slice, and I hook. I just can’t handle the pressure. Kadang-kadang, malu wei!
Thus the reason why I’m a bit embarassed when people invite me to play golf with them π
By the way, to illustrate my horrible-ness as a golfer, my handicap is 24 π
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