A Mercedes-Benz as a Graduation Present

When I first started trading and going into small-time ventures here in Australia, I had set an objective. I told myself, when it’s time to return to Malaysia, I was going to bring back a Mercedes SLK 200 Kompressor with me. Hehehe πŸ˜›

According to my projections, it was possible! Fast forward a few years later and thanks to the Global Financial Crisis, I was nowhere near to that πŸ˜›

Well, that’s life. No biggie.

I did however saved up some money to top up my long-term investments and some to be re-invested into another business venture that I plan to work on in Malaysia if the situation warrants. So, all is well. I’m happy.

(Photo credits: Rudolf Stricker at Wikipedia)


Disclaimer: This article is not a specific nor general advice on managing or investing your money. This article does not constitute a recommendation nor does it take into account your investment objectives, financial situation nor particular needs.

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