My JourneyKeputusan Pilihanraya Kecil N41 Manek Urai UPDATED (PAS Menang) nadliqueJuly 15, 2009 PAS won by a minuscule majority of 64 votes. Recount in order perhaps?
My JourneyKeputusan Pilihanraya Kecil N41 Manek Urai (Siapa akan menang agaknya?) nadliqueJuly 14, 2009 Who do you think is going to win this time? Share your thoughts below.
My JourneyKenaikan Harga Minyak Malaysia sejak 1990. Petrol Price Increase in Malaysia since 1990. nadliqueJune 12, 2008 Below is a chronology of petrol price increments in Malaysia since 1990. Do tell me if the information…
My JourneyKenaikan Harga Minyak Malaysia ke RM2.70 (41%)! Apa ni Pak Lah? nadliqueJune 12, 2008 I’m sure you all are WELL VERSED of the recent petrol price hike at the bowser by 41%.…
My JourneyPilihan Raya Umum ke-12 Malaysia (12th General Election) in The Australian Newspaper nadliqueMarch 10, 2008 At uni today, I picked up today’s edition of “The Australian” newspaper and to my surprise, an article…
My JourneyThe Funny Pak La La La 12th General Election Song (Pilihan Raya Umum ke-12) nadliqueMarch 7, 2008 You have got to listen to this funny PRU song. Very very entertaining 😉 Pak Lah Lah Lah!…