My JourneyWhat’s turning me off from applying for a PR in Australia? nadliqueSeptember 28, 2009 What’s turning me off from applying for PR in Australia? Just a few points: 1. It takes a…
My JourneyIn this economy… In this economy… In this economy… In this economy… :D nadliqueJuly 21, 2009 “In this economy”… It’s starting to get annoying eh? Hahaha.
Life PlanningDuring an economic crisis, is it wise to invest in education? (Studying Financial Planning & Journalism) nadliqueJuly 16, 2009 With the exception of all the trouble we have faced in the past couple of years, I consider…
Theory of WealthFareed Zakaria (CNN) talks to Michael Lewis (Liar’s Poker) about the economic crisis and Wall Street’s future nadliqueJune 20, 2009 Have a look at this video:
My JourneyAttempted Murder on the Dutch Royal Family – The Would-be Assassin, Karst S dies of Severe Brain Injuries nadliqueMay 1, 2009 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A former security guard, Karst S, who tried to hit the Dutch royal family with his car…
Theory of WealthWhen the economic crisis bites, ego still prevails nadliqueApril 27, 2009 Talking about the economic crisis, here’s a true story that I want to share with you. Junior (Not…
Theory of WealthUnemployment exists in Australia? Huh? Really? nadliqueApril 15, 2009 I was talking to a person the other day and he asked me about my plans after graduation.…
My JourneyMengikut Dr. Mahathir, Ekonomi Dunia Makin Tenat (Malaysia Kini) nadliqueApril 12, 2009 Read the article here. According to Dr. Mahathir, the world’s economy is worsening day by day. Things are…
My JourneyCosts of running a car in Australia (Should I call Australia or Malaysia as home?) nadliqueApril 5, 2009 The post relating to the costs of running a car in Malaysia is located here. I only have…
My JourneyCosts of running a car in Malaysia (Should I call Australia or Malaysia as home?) nadliqueApril 2, 2009 In making the decision to either continue on staying in Australia or return to Malaysia, I have got…