My JourneyMy goodness, this industry involves loads of reading! nadliqueSeptember 18, 2009 One thing for sure is that being a participant in the financial market yourself involves tonnes of reading!…
Theory of WealthAlan Grayson: Is Anyone Minding the Store at the Federal Reserve? nadliqueJuly 17, 2009 A shocking video (or perhaps not so?) of Rep. Alan Grayson asking the Federal Reserve Inspector General about…
Personal FinanceShould I use a motorbike to commute? nadliqueMay 1, 2009 Here’s another post in the ‘Australia or Malaysia?‘ series. When I was in high school, I got my…
Theory of WealthShould we save our money or go on a spending spree in the current crisis? nadliqueMarch 15, 2009 What do we need to do in the economic crisis that we’re facing at the moment? A lot…
Wealth Accumulation (Investments & Trading)Public Asia Ittikal Fund not Syariah Compliant? nadliqueMarch 13, 2008 I’ve been meaning to blog about this topic for quite sometime now. While I was in Malaysia, I…