My JourneyGolf: A Psychological Game nadliqueSeptember 11, 2009 Any golfers out there? I started playing golf since I was in Form 3 (15 years old). Or…
Life PlanningThe more you give, the more you get back in return (philanthropic and charitable efforts) nadliqueJune 4, 2009 The more you give, the more you get back in return. Aiming for wealth is good but in…
Life PlanningMuslim Aid Australia & Human Appeal International: Giving with a Purpose nadliqueJune 1, 2009 Muslims and non-muslims, if you like to help others, these two organisations are the ones to look out…
Life PlanningSponsoring a Child: Will it make any difference (PLAN Australia)? nadliqueMay 23, 2009 There’s one charity organisation that I like here in Australia. The name of the organisation is PLAN Australia.…
My JourneySo, you wanna be a pilot? (Air Asia’s Cadet Pilot Recruitment Campaign) nadliqueApril 20, 2009 Air Asia has been running a campaign since 1st April 2009 in the effort to recruit new cadet…
Blogging & InternetUnder Attack by a virus called XP ANTIVIRUS 2008 (How I got rid of it) nadliqueSeptember 30, 2008 While surfing a webpage, all of a sudden, my firewall automatically turned off, and my wallpaper suddenly changed…