Wealth Accumulation (Investments & Trading)Investment property as a haven for your child’s education fund? nadliqueMay 11, 2009 How’s this for an idea? Instead of saving money for your kid’s tertiary education someplace else, park that…
My JourneyWhat’s deterring me from staying in Australia nadliqueMay 5, 2009 Previously, I wrote about the reasons that could potentially lead me to stay in Australia. Now, I’ll list…
My JourneyWhat’s deterring me from returning to Malaysia nadliqueMay 3, 2009 Here’s another one for the ‘Australia or Malaysia?’ series. This time, I’ll lay out the reasons that could…
Wealth Accumulation (Investments & Trading)Where do I stand now? Financially speaking of course. nadliqueApril 21, 2009 I’ve been blogging about financial freedom for nearly 2 years now. I’ve started my journey towards financial freedom…
My JourneyA 13-year-old Homeowner: Arguably the Youngest in Australia nadliqueFebruary 26, 2008 Just now, I watched on Seven’s Today Tonight (current affair show) about something that really caught my attention.…