Why do I like to blog about money?

Why do I like to blog about money? Because it has been an interesting journey in itself!

Here are some other reasons:

1. I want to be financially free and wealthy one day.

2. Learn from people. For example, about ASB’s maximum amount. I didn’t know about this before.

3. Improve my writings. Even if my writings may be construed as a little informal, it does give me some practice.

4.Get inputs from people. People might not agree with me but if everything is kept civilised, I’m fine with it. After all, it was said that “Perbezaan pendapat adalah satu rahmat.” Sometimes, before I write, it forces me to do more research (through the net, through the books, through people) to improve the accuracy of my writings (although sometimes, I have to admit that accuracy is a tad compromised).

5. My arguments may be weak but I believe by writing more and more about it, I will be able to improve.

6. Share my ideas with the world (even though sometimes people may not agree and can viciously attack me through e-mails and comments).

7. Perhaps blogging could boost my confidence a little bit? Give me the courage to share ideas with people?


Disclaimer: This article is not a specific nor general advice on managing or investing your money. This article does not constitute a recommendation nor does it take into account your investment objectives, financial situation nor particular needs.

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